Care-Seeking Behaviors for Maternal and Newborn lllnesses Among SHG Households

In twenty-five villages in Uttar Pradesh, India, Aruldas et al. (2017) qualitatively explored the connection between SHG membership and care-seeking for maternal and newborn illnesses. Though cultural practices hindered prompt care seeking for both SHG households and non-SHG households, there was some evidence that SHG households were seeking care sooner. Practices such as three antenatal check-ups, delivery/complication preparedness, early and exclusive breastfeeding, skin to skin care and clean cord care were significantly higher for SHG households. Care seeking was found to be dependent on the perceptions of causes of illness, time of onset of illness, and cultural beliefs and practices around childbirth. “Unavailability of an enclosed vehicle that can protect from cold, perception that FLWs are to facilitate deliveries and not for newborn illness, cultural practices of confinement of the new mother and her newborn to the home, and the cultural consideration about the inappropriateness to discuss issues around childbirth with men are barriers to early care-seeking for newborn and maternal illnesses.” (32) Most fCare-seeking behaviors for maternal and newborn illnesses among self-help group households in Uttar Pradesh, Indiaamilies preferred home treatment for almost all newborn symptoms unless the child did not improve. 

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